Saturday, November 30, 2019
Obesity in America Annotated Bibliography free essay sample
â€Å"Americas Obesity Epidemic. †Cartoon. BarictricFreedom, 27 June 2012. Web. 02 April 2013. The image â€Å"Americas Obesity Epidemic†is a cartoon image of Uncle Sam smoking a cigar and he is an extremely obese individual, his face looks very unhealthy and he looks nothing like the original Uncle Sam. Beside his head there is a place that indicates that he is saying something. It’s one sentence and is says â€Å"What Obesity Epidemic? †This cartoon image was made to show people that America is poorly educated on the obesity epidemic and also that America sees no problem with the obesity problem in the United States. That government along with the men and women of America are not taking the obesity epidemic seriously. Men and women do not see the dangers of being obese; America is poorly educated when it comes to the obesity epidemic. People of America know that obesity can cause problems; however, they do not know all the health risk that comes with it. We will write a custom essay sample on Obesity in America Annotated Bibliography or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If obesity is causing American’s to have many health problems that can result to death, then why are Americans not already educated on this problem. Obesity in America contributes to approximately 325,000 deaths per year. It is a close second behind smoking as the leading cause of preventable deaths in America. This unown artist helps viewers understand that obesity should not be taking lightly, that something needs to change so that mean and women will know about the obesity epidemic. The only way to curb the obesity epidemic is to start by educating the people it affects. Godbout, Neil. â€Å"Tax the Producer of Junk Food, Not the Consumers. †Prince George Citizen. Prince George Citizen, 03 November 2006. Web. 02 April 2013. There are many ideas to how to help the obesity problem, one being a tax on junk food; however, should the men and women buying the junk food be taxed or the producers of the junk food? The article â€Å"Tax the Producers of Junk Food, Not the Consumers†by Neil Godbout is about how people should pay a tax on junk food in America, but who should the tax be on, the producers or the consumers of these junk foods? â€Å"People should pay more for chocolate bars, milkshakes, cookies, cakes, candy, and soda pop. The question is which people†¦who are the buyers of junk food? Once you answer that question, you get to what a junk food tax really is- a tax on the poor†(Godbout). Men and women with low income are more likely to buy junk food because of its low cost, causing them to fall victim to the producers of junk food. The consumers of junk food shouldn’t be the ones that have the tax because these men and women cannot help that they can only afford junk food. The producers of junk food are making a substantial amount of money on the sales of their product. These producers also know that their product is unhealthy and that it is a facture for causing obesity. So if these producers know that they are harming people’s health and getting rich off of it, then they should be the ones that get taxed for junk food. â€Å"But don’t just tax the producers. Go the extra mile and get aggressive, just like governments have with big tobacco. Put warnings on junk food†¦ Take some of the proceeds from junk food producers and subsidize fruit and vegetables producers, so their product are cheaper and therefore more attractive to shoppers†(Godbout). Junk food is known to be a cause for obesity. Obesity is linked to many health problems and can cause death. Since junk food is known to cause health problems then there should be a warning label that sates the health risks caused form consuming this product. If producers of junk food were taxed, the â€Å"proceeds†could go to many different things to help change the obesity epidemic. If the â€Å"proceeds†can go to helping healthier foods become cheaper than that would help the men and women with low income be able to make the right choices and help the lower class become healthier, curbing obesity in many people. Godbout’s main point for his article is to let his audience no that a tax on the consumers for junk food would just be a tax on the poor because they cannot afford the more expensive healthier foods. That the producers of junk food are making a substantial amount of money from their products even though these producers know that their product is helping cause obesity. His conclusion is that the tax should be on the producers of junk food and that the â€Å"proceeds†should go to helping make healthier food cheaper and help people health choices easier. The tax on producers is a start for helping cure obesity and that’s better than doing nothing. Hungry for Change. Dir. James Colquhoun and Laurentine Ten Bosch. 2012. Film. There are many different kinds of man-made food products. But what is really in these man-made food products? The film â€Å"Hungry for Change†directed by James Colquhoun and Laurentine Ten Bosch discusses the secrets that the food industry use to keep people coming back to their product. â€Å"We are not eating food anymore; we are eating food like products†(Dr. Alejandro Junger). The food industry is using many different kinds of chemicals to enhance and preserve food. Some of these chemicals can cause health problems and addiction. One chemical the food industry uses is called MSG. It was proved that MSG causes obesity; however, it is used in over 80% of today’s food. MSG also tricks a person’s body in to thinking it is full, but the feeling of being full only last for a short amount of time causing consumers to go back and get some more of that product. There are now so many chemicals in today’s man-made foods. These chemicals have now become an addiction to men and women everywhere. â€Å"If you addict a customer you will have a customer for life. †The producers of these foods are only worried about making money; they want consumers to come back as much as they can. They are not worried about a person’s health, they are worried about money. The goal of this film was to inform men and women on the secrets the food industry is hiding from their consumers. Klein, Sarah. â€Å"Fatty Foods May Cause Cocaine-Like Addiction. †Health Magazine. CNN. com. 30 March 2010. Web. 01 April 2013. Junk food is known to play a big part in causing obesity. So why do men and women keep going back to junk food products? The article â€Å"Fatty Foods May Cause Cocaine-Like Addiction†by Sarah Klein discusses how scientists have confirmed that junk food may be highly addictive. â€Å"A new study in rats suggest that high-fat, high-calorie foods affect the brain in much the same way as cocaine and heroin†(Klein). A study published by Paul J. Kenny, Ph. D. a professor at the Scripps Research Institute in Florida. For 40days Kenny studied three groups of lab rates, feeding them each a different kind of diet to test how the rates would react to each diet after the 40days. The first group of rates was fed â€Å"normal rate food. †The Second group groups of rates were fed â€Å"bacon, sausage, Cheesecake, frosting, and other fattening high-calorie foods- but only for one hour each day. †The last group of rates was allowed to eat unhealthy foods for up to 23 hours a day. â€Å"Not surprisingly, the rats that gorged themselves on the human food quickly became obese. But their brains also changed†¦researchers found that the rats in the third group gradually developed a tolerance to the pleasure the food gave them and had to eat more to experience a high†(Klein). Unlike the rate s that was fed normal rate food the ones in group three started to eat â€Å"compulsively. †The researchers then applied an electric shock to the rates feet while they were eating to see how each group of rates would react. When the shock was applied the rates in group one and two were scared away from eating; however, the obese rates in group three were not frightened by the shock, the rates continued to eat. The food given to the rates in group three caused the rates to act in a unusual way. â€Å"In previous studies, rates have exhibited similar bran changes when given unlimited access to cocaine or heroin†(Klein). Human food is now causing an addiction similar to cocaine and heroin. The addiction is what keeps man and women to keep coming back for more. Now that there is sings that some foods can cause addiction, people can now find a treatment to help solve the problem for food addiction and help lower obesity as well. This article lets people understand that it is not just a person’s fault for being overweight; the addiction is what is causing them to eat so much of the wrong things. Nazarko, Linda. â€Å"Increasing Obesity Awarness. †British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. (2011): n. page. Web. 02 April 2013. Being obese causes many different health problems but do mean and women really know what risk come with being obese? The article â€Å"Increasing Obesity Awareness†by Linda Nazarko discusses how the majority of people are obese and how it has become a normal thing. â€Å"It has now become normal to be overweight or obese†¦In addition, proportions of clothing have altered†(Nazarko). Clothing has changed, a size today is bigger than it was in the past, and this makes it seem normal to be overweight. Many people who are overweight or obese know that their health is at risk. Being obese causes many different health problems, psychological and physical. All the different health problems cause treatments making the cost of health care to increase. â€Å"In the past, adults produced their own food and had to work hard to feed themselves. However food is now plentiful in our socirty and physical activity levels have dropped†(Nazarko). Food is now everywhere. There is now no need for a person to grow or hunt for their food. This also takes away from the physical activity it took to grow and hunt for food. â€Å"The Government needs to act to work with the public to tackle this major public health issue†(Nazarko). If the government worked with planners and architects to make towns and cities healthy by encouraging people to walk to their destination or use stairs in buildings, it could increase activity in people’s daily life. Nazarko also discusses how the government needs to work with food industries to help reduce the unhealthy foods. Nazarko main idea is to increase obesity awareness to everyone. There are many men and women that are uneducated when it comes to obesity and do not know the issues caused from it and even how they can fix it. The best way to solve obesity is to educate the public.
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